About us

COMPANY Criogenie UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co KG

Our goal is to offer you the widest range of supply systems and vessels to hold and maintain cryogenic temperatures (-196°C) for your biological product needs. Whatever you need to store or to transport in liquid nitrogen, we have the solution. Stirling plants designed for over sixty years by Stirling Cryogenics BV are serving customers all over the world. These “Turnkey” solution delivers liquid nitrogen or oxygen at your location being the easiest Plug-and- Play solution.

Years of experioence

The company Cryogenie UG & Co KG, located since 2002 in Düsseldorf, Germany, offers Turn Key solutions in the cryogenic field. We are selling, installing and maintenance storage or transportable vessels from Chart Industries USA, vacuum insulated pipes from DEMACO BV and Liquid Nitrogen Plants from Stirling Cryogenics BV. Lately, the need of Methane liquefiers (on LNG Bunker Vessels or on sole for energy applications) gave us the opportunity to promote our StirLNG-4 generators.